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13/12/23, Somatic Alchemy: Kashrut and Zivugology
post by gur dimei

I started getting into health lately. Back in the day, I would take SSRIs to counter my sex-drive. Two days ago I asked my psychiatrist to erase them from my prescriptions. Why? Because my eybrows started receding, in a way that made me realize what a sick body am I cultivating simply because I do not want to face discomfort when overcoming yetzer hara.
Nevertheless, after my kabbalistic-musar shatzpost about the mystery of masturbation, I started getting into Paracelsus. The man knew his stuff, especially about the physical processes of seeds and materials in reproductive operations. I also realized many things about nutrition and rituals such as baptism (and I mean original, John-the-Baptist’s original baptism in the Yardena, living-water drenching). But one subject that is emphasized by Rabbi Nathan of Gaza is Kashrut (“kosherology”, if you will).

Nutrition as Zivug

Eating is a conduct of Zivug. It is intrinsically alchemical, eating is white-magic, basically (if you eat healthy). According to Rabbi Nathan, there are different foods with different functions in the Zivugic process – there are foods that provide heat (“stringencies” [Gevurot]), while there are foods that provide moist (“charities” [Chasadim]). As we know from traditional basic cabbala, moist is the basic material of the body while heat is the consuming-fire (Deut. 4:24 rings a bell..?) which segregates and purifies the moist. According to basic logic, it would follow that you need to first provide the material and then work-it-out using heat. If you provide the heat first, you might cause deficiencies in the body, and in the process of the integration of moist materials. Paracelsus writes about the following-up of moisture with heat in his masterful “De Natura Rerum”:

All natural things grow-and-mature by warmth-and-moisture, as is plainly demonstrated by the rain followed-up with sunshine.

Kashrut as Zivugological Equilibrium

For this reason, we need to eat moisty food (such as milk, water, dairy products, fruits) first, while eating hot, astringent food (such as meat and wine) last. This is the mystery of the rabbinic controversy as for Numbers 19:17 (“they took the earth-dust and put on it living-waters in a receptacle”), as the talmudists have interpreted the verse as in “they put the earth-dust in the receptacle and poured water upon the earth-dust”, while the kabbalists (such as Ramban [aka Nachmanides]) have interpreted it as in “they poured the living-waters in the receptacle and poured the earth-dust onto the water”. The kabbalists are right, as the moist material (living-water) must first be provided so that it will be sufficiently shaped by the hot-agent (earth-dust). This verse’s controversy is elucidated by our dietary laws, as we learn that the healthy nutrition of any body is by preliminary infusion with moisture/charity, and only later an infusion with heat/stringency. This is the law of Zivug – that male precedes female.

Good song
On the Author: Gur Dimei is an Israeli ''Frankist Incel'', sha''tzposter and an independent researcher of the Zohar.